I’m going on a Blog Trip

Well this mom here is going on a blog trip this week of September 1-5. It will be interesting to get to know other mom bloggers out there and why they blog. Do they blog because they like the creative outlet when life seems to be chaotic? Do they blog to promote their business or passion? OR do they blog to share their life with their family and friends? It seems we all have our reasons for blogging. I personally enjoy blogging about me, my family, random things (which all can be found at my mom blog site: Wife and Mom of 3) AND I enjoy blogging about the books I’ve come across (which can be found in The Book Faery Reviews).  

So who wants to know about this mom blogger who loves being me, a wife, a mother, and a reader?! You obviously if you’re reading this post and I do hope you continue to read this one and any others on my site (don’t forget to leave a comment or two with your own blog/website and I’ll return the favor and stop by…who knows…we may end up enjoying each other’s company enough to exchange links or add to our RSS readers…).

Well… I am married to my high school heart who I have known half of my life. We’ve been married for 8 years and together are raising 3 beautiful children (2 girls and 1 boy).

I am currently a SAHM (stay at home mom…for anyone not familiar with the acronym). My older two are in 1st and 3rd grade while the youngest is at home with me during the day. I am in hopes of finding a job though as I DO feel like my brain is going to mush and I need more intelligent conversations throughout the day. Not that there is ANYTHING wrong with being a SAHM but playgroups and such just didn’t give me what I needed. I want to be able to converse with my hubby and friends about more topics aside from what Jr. did today…I just need my own personal stimulation.

Aside from my blogging, I enjoy spending time with my hubby and kids, hanging out with MY mommy (LOL…hey if the kids can do it, why can’t I?!), go-karting with the kids, 4-wheeling with my hubby, dancing with my kids, reading all kinds of books, cooking, hanging out on the deck with my girls with a “drink” and having one of our “board meetings”, and singing to my MP3 player (OMG…”there was this ONE time” I wasn’t expecting my husband’s best friend so soon for dinner and my son taps me on the hip with HIM behind me with a grin on his face as I’m jamming to a song while I cook dinner!! Talk about embarrassing!! I may have known him half my life too but STILL!! That’s the side he’s NEVER seen! LOL)

I love to sing (but just for my mom, sister, kids, and self…I know…), instead of shoes, I am a purse addict (in fact I just got my third Dooney and Burke purse and LOVE it!! Thank you Mom! A bit too conservative/business like for my girlfriends but SOOO me). I’m STILL on the search for a great Coach purse to add to my collection!! I’ve got a girlfriend who SWEARS her Coach hook up sells the REAL THING at a HUGE discount…so we’ll just have to check her out soon!

Some other tidbits about me…

  • Though I am no longer a Catholic, I was baptized by the Pope in the Philippines where I was born in 1978.
  • I am my son’s football “Team Mom”.
  • I’m fascinated with faeries, dragons, and ghosts.
  • I love the colors purple and dark red. (My wedding was in a smoky purple and I wear some sort of red piece of clothing to a job interview if I want it bad enough for the added confidence.)
  • I was 2nd runner up to Miss Jr. Raleigh in 1994 and Miss Congeniality in that same pageant. My oldest daughter was 2nd runner up for a local pageant here and got Miss Smiley when she was 2 (she’s almost 9 now)!! How ironic…
  • One of these days I WILL (power of determination!) to open up a café/bookstore.
  • Before I turn 31 this December I want to get a tattoo…just debating on my faery facing the dragon or a faery sitting on books for my shoulder. It’s on my “to do before I die” list!


I live in Raleigh, NC where the seasons have typically changed over the years…meaning, the colors change in the fall, the weather is quite chilly in the winter, the flowers are all in bloom in the spring, and the air is perfect for a swim without burning your nostril hairs. However, I have to admit the past two years have been a bit odd and off in terms of weather pattern but I still love my North Carolina and YEP…I am a Southern Gal and enjoy the perfect pace of the south.

So there you go…a bit about me…what else do you want to know? Just leave me a comment and I’ll let you know! I’m a fairly open book as I am who I am and not ashamed of who I am (without the use of real names of course to protect my family the best I can online…course you know there’s always a risk to blogging freely online when it comes to your family)…


If you’re interested in joining this blog trip, then check out my earlier blog at: https://wifeandmomof3.wordpress.com/2008/08/23/im-going-on-a-blog-trip-sept-1-5/.